Monday, June 4, 2012

Project the Third: Avengers, Gather for Tea!

I think I mentioned that our friends sometimes get us into trouble with their ideas for group costumes, like the Steampunk Airship. Well, this time it was ...? Steampunk Avengers. Now before y'all think we're just jumping on the movie bandwagon, I should mention that this idea was the brainchild of our acknowledged "comic book geek" friend. He's the equivalent of my "Star Wars geek" husband (and believe me, that's kinda scary).

Anyway, it quickly became apparent that we would not be able to stick to the movie Avengers - too many women, only one Black Widow, for example. So, we branched out, or rather I should say, our friend branched out and gave us choices (because I, at least, am fairly comic book-challenged!). So our friend became The Vision, his wife (obviously?) Scarlet Witch, my husband (being the tall blond amongst us) Thor, and I got The Enchantress, who was described to me as "Thor's Catwoman". So yep, I get to be the one and only baddie. I think I can do that! :) (Other folks have other costumes, but since I've been sewing over at Scarlet Witch's house, she gets the shout-out! :)

Since my husband was opting for a bartender-esque character concept for Thor, I decided on a saloon girl for Enchantress. So the plan is to modify the Simplicity saloon girl costume pattern to incorporate some of the character's defining motifs (the gloves, the leggings, the fringe skirt, the headpiece). First up, make up the interlining (cotton poplin) to check fit:

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of us checking the fit on the underlining when it was all together (sorry!), but that pile of green stuff on the bag there are the pieces once fitted and taken apart (and it's also a good idea of the piles of supplies dragged around for this project!). Should also mention that this was the first time I'd ever experienced fabric that had been twisted on the loom. It wasn't fun. You know how they always tell you to check the fabric before you buy it to make sure it hasn't done that, but you never do because you think it won't happen to you? Well, children, it does happen. Learn from my mistake! Anyway...

Next up, the lining. It needed to be green, and we'd found this cute green roses pattern that I'd decided would make me feel "pretty on the inside". When we laid it out to cut, it became apparent to me that green roses look an awful lot like cabbages.


And finally the outer shell in satin. Yep, satin. I really am that much of a glutton for punishment.

Assuming I manage to get it all sewn together without committing ritual suicide, I'm theorizing that wearing it will generate enough water loss through sweat that I can lose at least a couple of dress sizes. :) Gotta be a silver lining somewhere, yes?

So there it is, the start of the third (of four) projects. I have a feeling that number four will be a LONG time in coming! :)

Oh! And the wine suggestion. This one is easy. Rosa di Bianca. It's a nice little sparkling wine that tastes kinda of oranges and has a low alcohol content. Perfect for hot days (and it was very hot the day we were doing all of this), and the low alcohol means you can still see the scissors. :)

Happy sewing!

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