Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Hat, Con't.

And here's an update on the hat. :) I was horribly lazy and didn't work on it at all over the weekend, so this is really "the hat through Friday", but meh, that's just how it is.

This particular construction method has you leave the brim piece as a complete circle (ie, not cut out like a doughnut) for covering. So here's the fabric stretched across the underside of the brim (with the crown sitting on it for scale) ...

And here's the same shot with the fabric for the upper side clipped on. Nothing's sewn yet here. BTW, a note on those little clips all the way around the edge. I'd seen them in a sewing magazine and thought they might come in handy but hadn't managed to get hold of any until they showed up in my local sewing store just before this project took off. They absolutely paid for themselves with just this hat!

That said, they are a PitA to sew around - they love to grab the thread. But they are otherwise so terribly handy, I can work around that. :)

So here's the hat with the brim all sewn together.

There are spots where I didn't get the stitches quite right (see "well of fail"), but I remind myself that most of it will be covered by the netting and trimmings and brim shaping, and then I don't feel so bad. :)

Note that the pieces aren't actually sewn together in that photo, but that's roughly how it will look before all the aforementioned netting, trimmings and shaping.  I still need to cut the "head hole" out and stitch it up inside the crown piece - a process for which I finally procured some curved milliners' needles (which, btw, I should have recommended way back in the beginning - ah well!).

As a random sidenote, in case you too are comic-book-challenged, here's the Enchantress:

This is the photo I received randomly on my phone during lunch one day with the appended note: "How about her?" From such small things do such mighty projects spring!

(Good Lord, wherever will I find a wig with that much poof!)

Happy sewing!

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