Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The hat: assembled!

Alright, so I gave some childish whoops of glee when this was done. It was silly, I know. :)

When last we left our intrepid adventurers, all hat pieces had been covered in fabric and were ready for final assembly (you can see that post here). What had to happen next was probably the scariest thing I've ever done to a project.

See, the brim of the hat was a solid piece of buckram, wired and covered in the satin. (In this photo the crown's just sitting on the brim for the sake of the picture.)

The next step was to stitch everything together just inside the wire ring (on the "headhole" side). Then you have to cut out that inner circle. Now, the pattern has lines on it as guides for cutting, but when you draw those on the buckram that you've now covered with fabric, it makes it a touch hard to see. So a little bit of guesswork to add to my total panic at cutting this apart. But, it had to be done, so I took a deep breath and took the scissors to it.

I did have a photo to show of this once it was cut out and looking horribly ragged and scary, but the camera for some reason didn't save it. :( Stupid camera.

Anyway, so you fold the clipped bits from the inner edge up into the crown of the hat, sew through it all to keep it together, add a piece of extra wide bias tape for a hatband, and you end up with this:

BTW, the lower edge of the crown where it meets the brim - total mess. Stitches everywhere! I gave myself permission to do this because I knew I was going to have some fairly full trim around the band.

And then I set to trimming. I'd gotten some green netting to drape the crown with to give a nod towards the headdress the original character wears in the comics....

...and in one image I'd found, she has a green diamond-shaped gem set in the headdress right in the middle of her forehead, so to kinda bring that in, I found these at Fire Mountain Gems (great place, btw :). I'm horrible about judging the size things need to be on hats, and they looked kinda small so I wasn't certain if I would use three in that triangular pattern in the photo or all four in a larger diamond-shaped pattern.

As it turned out, I opted for only one....

Happy sewing!

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